Monday, March 27, 2017

Anxiety Medicine Can Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s

Insomnia and anxiety are common conditions among the general population but particularly with the elderly. But if you have a history of Alzheimer’s in your family, please be aware that anxiety-reducing drugs such as Xanax and Valium can increase your risk of getting the disease.

Such drugs, known as benzodiazepines, have long been used in the treatment of early dementia symptoms of which anxiety is certainly one. However, a recent study provided evidence that the use of such medication may cause or hasten the onset of Alzheimer’s. So be sure to discuss any relevant family history with a doctor if a physician desires to prescribe such medication for you.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Protecting Elders from Financial Exploitation

In a perfect world, people would not take advantage of vulnerable, elderly individuals. But, of course, that’s not the real world.

Accordingly, here are some tips on protecting those who need it.

 ·         Provide access to only one account. It is highly recommended that the vulnerable person have direct access to only one checking account. This limits exposure on checks written to charities or criminals.

 ·         On-line bill pay for monthly bills. Do automatic bill pay for routine bills. That helps with account surveillance.

·         Caution them about email scams. Educate about phishing scams. Advise against opening email or links from unknown senders. Set up regular and automatic computer anti-virus and malware scans.

·         Decrease opportunities for unwanted solicitations. To avoid telemarketing calls, add all phone numbers to the National Do Not Call Registry. Advise the vulnerable person to never give out credit card or Social Security numbers over the phone. To reduce mail solicitations, including “free” credit offers, unsubscribe at