Monday, April 27, 2015

Is It Too Late to Learn?

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal discussed the fact that many people, as they age, lose the capacity to learn despite popular beliefs to the contrary. There are countless examples throughout the world of older people taking on new challenges traditionally considered beyond them because of the person’s age.

Do you like to travel? Maybe you have your heart set on visiting Paris. Before you go, enroll yourself in a French language course. Because of your travel plans, you will have an incentive to commit yourself to learning something new. With that attitude, your chances of success are excellent and you will feel a sense of accomplishment that will brighten your spirit and encourage you to take on yet additional challenges. That motivation can be applied to a number of activities from acquiring or improving computer skills to boning up on current events.

And, if your health permits, the challenges need not be confined to mental activities. Even if you have never skied before, you can learn basics very simply and enjoy an invigoration outing in the wintertime. Learning to ski doesn’t mean you are undertaking a course to prepare for the next Olympics, after all!

And for warmer times of the year, how about golf? If you can swing your arms and walk without pain, you are certainly a candidate to try. And although you can get about in a golf cart on the course, golfing gives you the opportunity to get some simple walking exercise in beautiful surroundings as well.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Anxiety Medicine Can Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s

Insomnia and anxiety are common conditions among the general population but particularly with the elderly. But if you have a history of Alzheimer’s in your family, please be aware that anxiety-reducing drugs such as Xanax and Valium can increase your risk of getting the disease.

Such drugs, known as benzodiazepines, have long been used in the treatment of early dementia symptoms of which anxiety is certainly one. However, a recent study provided evidence that the use of such medication may cause or hasten the onset of Alzheimer’s. So be sure to discuss any relevant family history with a doctor if a physician desires to prescribe such medication for you.